It’s official: The partial government shutdown is the longest in U.S. history
The previous record was 21 days, set in the winter of 1995-'96 when President Bill Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich were at odds over budget cuts.
6 years ago
Once a fence, later slats, almost always a wall: Trump’s border wall contradictions
The president is now in a battle with congressional Democrats to approve $5.7 billion in funding for a physical barrier.
6 years ago
Federal workers get $0 pay stubs as shutdown drags on
All told, an estimated 800,000 government employees missed their paychecks for first time since the shutdown began three weeks ago.
6 years ago
Justice Ginsburg has no remaining signs of cancer, will return to Supreme Court
While odds for a recovery from the surgery she had are good, they go way up if the subsequent pathology report shows no cancer in the lymph nodes.
6 years ago
Court strikes down Iowa’s ‘Ag-Gag’ law that blocked undercover investigations
A federal judge in Iowa says it's no longer a crime to go undercover at factory farms, slaughterhouses and any other ag-related operations.
6 years ago
How Bernice Sandler, ‘Godmother of Title IX,’ achieved landmark discrimination ban
Bernice Sandler is being remembered this week for her lifelong fight to reverse decades of institutional bias in U.S. schools
6 years ago
Gerrymandering lawsuits linger as next redistricting nears
A year of legal battles is beginning over lingering allegations that electoral districts across the country were illegally drawn to the disadvantage of particular voters.
6 years ago
Michael Cohen to testify publicly before Congress next month
The hearing could serve as the opening salvo in a promised Democratic effort to greater scrutinize Trump, his conflicts of interest and his ties to Russia.
6 years ago
Sen. Casey: "We should never confuse a concrete wall with border security. It is not."
U.S. Sen. Bob Casey joined former border czar Alan Bersin to discuss expert opinions on border security amid the government shutdown.
6 years ago
Alexa can help kids with homework, but don’t forget problem-solving skills
How do virtual assistants like Alexa, which are increasingly common in households, affect children's learning experiences?
6 years ago
Guest: Katie Benner Rod Rosenstein, deputy attorney general, is expected to leave the Jus ...
6 years ago
Listen 13:30‘I’m scared’: TSA families fear falling behind on bills, losing their homes
The government shutdown is increasingly straining employees who are essential to keeping the nation's aviation system safe and running.
6 years ago
Trump stalks out of shutdown session with Dems — ‘Bye-bye’
Efforts to end the 19-day partial government shutdown fell into deeper disarray over the president's demand for billions of dollars to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
6 years ago
Seven takeaways from President Trump’s Oval Office address
There were a lot of questions going into the address, but there were at least as many afterward, especially, and most importantly, what now?
6 years ago
Dems block Senate bill on Israel boycotts, citing shutdown
Israel sees a growing threat from the BDS movement, which has led to increased boycotts of the Jewish state in support of the Palestinians.
6 years ago