Higher Education
Five decades later, Penn hosts second-ever teach-in
Morning Edition host Jennifer Lynn speaks with Penn's Ira Harkavy about the university's second-ever teach-in.
7 years ago
Listen 5:46Prosecutors drop assault charges in Penn State hazing death
Pennsylvania prosecutors are dropping all assault charges against members of a now-closed Penn State fraternity in the hazing death of 19-year-old pledge Tim Piazza.
7 years ago
How Princeton research from the ’90s made it to the new iPhone
It’s part of an an increasing trend of universities partnering with companies to turn research into new patents and products.
7 years ago
Ruth Simmons on the future of HBCUs
In 2012, after a distinguished career in higher education, Ruth J. Simmons retired and moved back to her home state. But after several years, Prairie View A&M came calling.
7 years ago
One reason students aren’t prepared for STEM careers? No physics in high school.
A shortage of physics teachers limits physics-taking, which limits the number of physics teachers
7 years ago
Wilmington University honors its barrier-breaking president
LaVerne Harmon’s elevation to the highest post at the nearly 50-year-old New Castle-based school was formalized Thursday during an inauguration ceremony at the Chase Center.
7 years ago
Listen 1:31Temple officials foresee community support for stadium; neighbors skeptical
Philadelphia Council President Darrell Clarke says he won’t consider supporting the proposed stadium until the university wins over the community.
7 years ago
Listen 2:05Protests cut Temple stadium town hall short
Hundreds of North Philadelphia residents, students and university staff gathered in Mitten Hall to hear Temple President Richard Englert discuss plans for the stadium.
7 years ago
More girls in the engineering career pipeline makes the world a better place
We are nearing that tipping point where women no longer feel isolated or lonely. We want to make it “normal” for women to choose engineering.
7 years ago
N.Y. college says forgotten book reveals lock of George Washington’s hair
Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., says it has made an incredible and, experts believe, real find: a lock of George Washington's hair inside a "long-forgotten book."
7 years ago
Who’s missing from America’s colleges? Rural high school graduates
Dustin Gordon bucked the trend. Though neither of his parents finished college, they insisted that he go.
7 years ago
Mars bar won’t have beer, but dandelion wine is a possibility
Villanova students participating in “Red Thumbs Mars Garden Project” have been nurturing plants that might someday thrive in greenhouses 34 million miles from Earth.
7 years ago
Listen 1:58Nursing, engineering and business students will pay more at University of Delaware
The University of Delaware has announced plans to increase tuition for undergraduate students at its nursing, engineering and business schools.
7 years ago
Penn State trainer who testified in frat death case quits
The trainer, Tim Bream, will leave his job by the end of the month. He did not respond to an email seeking comment.
7 years ago
Penn scrubs Wynn name, rescinds his and Cosby’s honorary degrees
The university said it has been a century since it took away an honorary degree, but "credible" allegations against the men warranted the action.
7 years ago