Economic Development
The success of immigrant communities starts with support of neighborhood schools
To help my neighborhood succeed, the next mayor needs to know how critical it is to the Karen Philadelphia's community to support our city schools financially and politically.
10 years ago
Sharp increases in property taxes a threat to Mantua residents
The Mantua community stands united in demanding a moratorium tax freeze on property tax increases for long-time owner-occupied residences.
10 years ago
Equitable neighborhood development depends on overcoming racism, hate and fear
The most challenging issue for me with regard to my work is the barriers to communication created by prejudice and fear, particularly within my own ethnic group.
10 years ago
What is a City Revitalization and Improvement Zone?
One in a series explaining key terms and concepts of Pennsylvania government. Today’s topic: the City Revitalization & Improvem ...
10 years ago
State lawmakers face hurdles to expanding economic development program for cities
State legislators have been pushing to increase the number of CRIZ designations, but financial and political factors could keep these str ...
10 years ago
Why do so many corporations choose to incorporate in Delaware?
I’m often asked why the majority of Fortune 500 companies, more than 60% actually, have chosen to incorporate in the small state of ...
14 years ago