Behavioral Health
‘Safe-injection site’ more likely for Philly, but big hurdles to clear
According to sources close to the talks, the controversial proposal aimed at addressing the city’s deadly opioid crisis must first overcome resistance from some key players.
7 years ago
Listen 4:33Before Huntington’s: Seeking adventure while she’s able
Dogged by the specter of a disorder that feels like genetic destiny, a woman challenges her body and mind to do new things.
7 years ago
Listen 8:14Lincoln, Cheyney latest to ban tobacco on campus
Fewer than half of the 102 historically black colleges and universities have comprehensive smoke-free or tobacco-free policies.
7 years ago
Don’t let the holiday onslaught bring you down
Truly, this can be society’s rock-bottom moment, a cry for help wrapped in LED lights and garland.
7 years ago
New Castle County to hire addiction coordinator
The New Castle County Police Department will use new grant money to hire a coordinator for its addiction treatment program
7 years ago
Crisis averted: scenes from the nation’s 24-hour helpline
The call came in late one summer night. Immediately, Paul Butler’s stomach sank, his heart sped up and he started listening.
7 years ago
Listen 6:06Temple student dies after being found unconscious in university library
A student found unconscious in Temple University’s Paley Library on Monday was pronounced dead after he was taken to Hahnemann University Hospital.
7 years ago
Wolf backs opioid-prescribing limits health insurer says are effective
The Philadelphia-based insurer now covers a maximum five-day supply for most new opioid prescriptions since adopting the policy in July.
7 years ago
Pa. hotline links those in need with help to confront opioid addiction
Pennsylvania far exceeds the national average of drug-related overdose deaths. Last year, 4,642 such deaths were reported — and the number is expected to rise this year.
7 years ago
As sexual abuse victims find their voice, don’t forget the process of their recovery
I have been counseling survivors of all types of abuse and assault for over 20 years. It is not uncommon for me to meet someone decades after their trauma occurred.
7 years ago
Nonprofit gives clients with intellectual disabilities a meaningful day
Randy Johnson Sr. and his wife Susan of New Castle have high expectations for their three children.
7 years ago
Students learn to combat hate at Philly conference
The annual gathering hosted by the Anti-Defamation League aims to combat hate through a day of workshops and tough conversations.
7 years ago
Offering homeless vets social support first — before housing
Veterans on Patrol runs controversial, sometimes illegal, camps to get chronically homeless vets off the street.
7 years ago
Listen 5:55Texas Church shooting raises familiar questions
Guests: Lily Raff McCaulou, Melissa Jeltsen, Allison Anderman The plague of mass shootings in America continued t ...
Air Date: November 7, 2017
Listen 49:18