Associated Press
@APAP is a a not-for-profit news cooperative owned by its American newspaper and broadcast members. AP, which is headquartered in New York, operates in more than 280 locations worldwide, including every statehouse in the U.S. Two-thirds of its staffers are journalists.
More from the Contributor
No AI in humor: R2-D2 walks into a bar, doesn’t get the joke
Researchers say computer learning looks for patterns, but comedy thrives on things hovering close to a pattern and veering off just a bit to be funny and edgy.
6 years ago
Ride-share mistake led to death of New Jersey woman in S.C.
Safety advocates urged college students to match the vehicle color and model, the license tag number, and the photo of their ride-share drivers before getting in a vehicle.
6 years ago
Brexit creates power vacuum at heart of Britain’s government
A power vacuum has paralyzed the heart of Britain's government, dismaying both the European Union and the British public.
6 years ago
Biden faces new scrutiny from Dems over behavior with women
Former Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday he doesn't believe he ever acted inappropriately toward women but will "listen respectfully" to suggestions he did.
6 years ago
Vestige of the past, Pa. House’s ‘lobbyist room’ vanishes
It happened without any warning: The "lobbyist room" at the back of Pennsylvania's House of Representatives chamber was closed and is now off limits to lobbyists.
6 years ago
Number of asylum seekers sent back over border to grow
Border officials are aiming to more than quadruple the number of asylum seekers sent back over the southern border each day.
6 years ago
Judge restores Obama-era drilling ban in Arctic
Judge Sharon Gleason in a decision late Friday threw out Trump's executive order that overturned the bans that comprised a key part of Obama's environmental legacy.
6 years ago
GOP scrambles to deal with Trump’s decision on health care
President Donald Trump's decision to revive the fight over the Affordable Care Act has stirred a political and policy debate among Republicans.
6 years ago
Cape May-Lewes Ferry stranded for hours in Delaware Bay
An engine malfunction on a ferry running from New Jersey to Delaware left more than 100 passengers stranded for several hours.
6 years ago
Rolling Stones postpone tour as Jagger receives medical treatment
The band announced Saturday that Jagger was told by doctors "he cannot go on tour at this time."
6 years ago
Most see women equal to men in politics, new poll finds
An all-time high of 84 percent of Americans believe women are just as suited emotionally for politics as men, according to results from the General Social Survey.
6 years ago
Trump threatens to close border with Mexico next week
President Donald Trump on Friday threatened to close America's southern border or large sections of it next week if Mexico does not halt illegal immigration "immediately."
6 years ago