Alan was all set on majoring in biology, but then he realized he liked writing about science more than doing research, so he left Hong Kong and went to study journalism in the U.S. After interning at NPR and WBEZ in Chicago, he has never wanted to work anywhere outside of public radio. He covers space and all other kinds of innovation. He enjoys comic books, LEGO, and dragon boating.
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Listen 10:42How Princeton research from the ’90s made it to the new iPhone
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Should tourists go to Antarctica?
Maybe you just want to see penguins or icebergs, but visiting the South Pole also means transforming the landscape — and adding to your carbon debt.
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A biological debate: is birdsong music?
Biologists and musicians are still wondering a question that goes back more than a century.
7 years ago
Listen 5:41U.S. mortality rate not falling as quickly as other countries, partly because of obesity
When it comes to lowering the mortality rate, the U.S. is behind other developed countries like Canada, Norway, the U.K., and Australia.
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How animals adapt (and maybe even evolve) to live in cities
Mice, rats, mosquitoes, lizards, and other animals are adapting to live in environments created by humans.
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Listen 8:29Pennsylvania, other Northeast states sue EPA over Midwest pollution
Northeast state attorneys general say Midwest states should be subject to the same tough ozone standards.
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Poker-winning AI might soon help consumers call companies’ bluff
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Should we talk about science like it’s magic?
We struggled to balance information and entertainment back in science TV shows to the '50s and '60s. In some ways, we still do.
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Listen 7:47Princeton scientists win $3 million for early pictures of the universe
The research uses billion-year-old radiation to confirm the universe's age and how quickly it expanded after the Big Bang.
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