Regulating Airbnbs, Sharks at the Shore, Hot Pets

Philadelphia is enforcing regulations on short-term rentals like Airbnb. Other cities are also cracking down. What impact do Airbnbs have on neighborhoods and on housing?

Listen 50:07

Philadelphia is cracking down on short-term rentals like Airbnbs again after concerns about safety and noise complaints from neighbors. The city is enforcing a 2021 law requiring Airbnb hosts to have a limited lodging operator license. Around the country, a growing number of municipalities are pushing back on short-term rentals, concerned with their impact on communities and affordable housing. We’ll talk about short-term rental market with Philadelphia City Councilmember Mark Squilla and urban planning professor David Wachsmuth.

Also, this summer has been the hottest on record and another heat wave is expected later this week. What do you do to protect your pets? We’ll talk with veterinarian Jules Benson about how to ensure our pets stay cool on hot days.

Then, why we should love sharks instead of fearing them. We’ll learn about the sharks swimming off our coast this Shark Week with Millersville University shark biologist Dominique Didier.

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