Autism in the family


In the new book Autism in the Family: Caring and Coping Together, author Robert Naseef delivers a personal narrative, as a father of a grown son with severe autism, and supplies a comprehensive view of autism throughout the lifespan.

Dan Gottlieb discusses how families of children with autism navigate an often challenging and emotional journey. His guests include Robert Naseef and Eustacia Cutler, mother of noted child with autism, author and speaker, Temple Grandin.

Robert Naseef is a psychologist specializing in families of children with disabilities and has published several articles on the subject, including the book Special Children, Challenged Parents: The Struggles and Rewards of Raising a Child With a Disability (1997). He presents locally and nationally on issues related to family life with special needs and has a special interest in the psychology of men.

Eustacia Cutler lectures nationally and internationally on autism and its relation to the rapidly emerging bio-neurological study of brain plasticity. Her 2006 book, A Thorn in My Pocket, describes raising her daughter, Temple, in the conservative world of the ’50s when children with autism were routinely diagnosed as infant schizophrenics and banished to institutions. She is working on her second book.

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