Another test for commercial launch vehicle

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The latest on the STS 133, which was due to launch about two weeks ago, but some technical difficulties prevented this, so the next launch window will open at the earliest on November 30th. However,  the interesting part of this is that between now and then the SpaceX Corporation will move forward with a test launch for its commercial launch vehicle. This test will combine a test of a manned capsule. This mission will last about four hours and will test out all communications and other vital functions. Once the docking capability at International Space Station goes well then they can begin their true mission of bringing supplies to ISS. Also, this Wednesday marks the most notable shower in November,  the Leonid shower, which will rain around 20 meteors per hour. These meteors emanate from a point in the constellation Leo the Lion and you can see the shower best if you are up late in the evening or almost into the pre-dawn sky.[audio: st20101115.mp3]

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