E.J. Dionne’s new book “Why the Right Went Wrong: Conservatism—From Goldwater to the Tea Party and Beyond”

    Listen 00:48:45

    Guest: E.J. Dionne

    What explains the rise of the Tea Party and the popularity of Donald Trump? In his new book, long-time political journalist, EJ Dionne, looks back 50 years to the candidacy of Barry Goldwater to explain the discontent on the Right and the bitter conflicts inside the Republican Party.  Dionne joins Marty to discuss Why the Right Went Wrong: Conservatism—From Goldwater to the Tea Party and Beyond.  He’s  a syndicated columnist for the Washington Post, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and commentator on NPR.  He’s also the author of Why Americans Hate Politics and Our Divided Political heart.


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