50 thousand years ago a meteor hit the earth creating a crater a mile wide, but we haven’t had anything of that magnitude since the ...
Air Date: August 17, 2009
The annual Perseid meteor shower is visible on Wednesday although you may have to catch it before moon rise as the late rising moon may w ...
Air Date: August 10, 2009
A full moon on Thursday is really the second half of a solar eclipse that happened two weeks ago. Did you know it’s possible for th ...
Air Date: August 3, 2009
The massive planet Jupiter has a bruise on it. What could have caused this huge spot? Was it climate change or from something that crashe ...
Air Date: July 27, 2009
Anniversary of the first humans to walk on the surface of the moon
Continuing with the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing Derrick Pitts and Dave Heller discuss this momentous event in human histor ...
Air Date: July 20, 2009
40th anniversary of Apollo 11 mission to the moon
Forty years ago the crew of the Apollo 11 spacecraft were preparing to go on the most historic space mission of all time. These were tumu ...
Air Date: July 13, 2009
The International Space Station comes into view
Catch a glimpse of the International Space Station tonight, in the Northwestern portion of the sky. The best part is that you don’t ...
Air Date: July 6, 2009
This week marks the midpoint of the year. Specifically Thursday, July 2nd at 1 p.m. eastern time, which is a reflection of earth’s ...
Air Date: June 29, 2009
Continuing with our celebration of the coming Summer Solstice, which will occur precisely at 1:46 am Sunday morning, Derrick and Dave dis ...
Air Date: June 15, 2009
The summer solstice is coming up and the sun is the object of our celebration. You might think it’s because this part of the earth ...
Air Date: June 8, 2009
The Hubble telescope, with it’s new upgrades can see much farther than it’s previous version, extending the vision some 200 m ...
Air Date: June 1, 2009
Mars as big as the moon? Truth or hoax?
You may have heard of Mars’ close approach, which means when you look in the night sky Mars is larger than ever. So large in fact t ...
Air Date: May 25, 2009
Take a bite out of the Milky Way this month
May is Milky Way month and before your mouth starts to water we don’t mean the candy bar. If you look out to the horizon and nothin ...
Air Date: May 18, 2009
An explosion that rocked the Universe
Scientists have detected a tremendous explosion that occurred 3.1 billion light years away before the earth was even a mere gleam in it ...
Air Date: May 11, 2009
48 years ago Alan Shepard led the first American mission into space on the heels of Russian cosmonaught Yuri Gagarin. Ten years later whi ...
Air Date: May 4, 2009