Local community pitches in to help burned W. Philly charter school

Last Sunday, the Global Leadership Academy charter school in West Philadelphia burned in a five-alarm fire.  The local community is helping the school re-open at a new location.

Jim Stanton of the First Philadelphia and Tacony Academy Charter Schools says helping the burned-down Global Leadership Academy is a no-brainer.  

He says it’s an extension of the charter school network’s community focus.  “It’s just a big problem that everybody wants to help,” he said.

His school plans to help by capitalizing on it’s uniform policy.  “We’re having a dress-down day,” he said.  “That means that the children can dress in casual clothes for the day, and bring in a dollar for that luxury.”

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That luxury could add up — there are 1,300 students in his schools.

Other charter schools are donating classrooms, computers, books and paper. Local grocery stores are donating lunches.

 “And I know there’s a lot of others that have we just haven’t gotten that number yet,” said Naomi Johnson-Booker, the CEO of Global Leadership. She says she’s thankful for all of the donations.

The one thing that would really help, though, will take a little more time.

“We’re in the most need of finding a location,” she says.

It’s a problem that must be solved in the next few days.

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