N.J. moves to rein school chief contracts

The New Jersey Assembly is scheduled to vote today on a measure to control school superintendent contracts. The bill would require the state Education Commissioner to develop a model employment contract for all superintendents statewide.

“There’d be one standard contract so you would look and be able to easily determine what the salary is, what the benefits are, what the vacation is, so the taxpayers would know what they’re getting,” said Pat Diegnan, Assembly Education Committee chairman.In one case, said Diegnan, even the school board attorney was not aware of some of the provisions the board negotiated on its own for its superintendent. He said that’s the kind of thing the measure is intended to stop. He said excluding excessive perks from being in those contracts can produce significant savings.”Transparency by nature leads to efficiency so I would think it would have to be substantial savings,” he said. “But I think it just leads to good faith on all party’s part that a citizens wondering what their superintendent is receiving can easily determine it.”The measure is still awaiting action in the Senate.

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