Using Gadhafi to make a point about Philadelphia politics

Moammar Gadhafi is weighing in on the Philadelphia Mayor’s race.  Okay, not really.  But a Republican candidate for mayor is using the infamous Libyan leader’s image to make a point about city politics.  The video follows a conversation between a woman sitting at her desk at the so-called “Philadelphia Office of the Dictator Relocation program” and Gadhafi–whose words are intentionally incorrectly translated at the bottom of the screen.  WOMAN: Thank you for calling the DRP, this is Judy how may I help?  Well good morning Mr. Gadhafi.  Oh of course, a military man – Colonel!  Did you have an opportunity to review our material?  Philadelphia is a great place for dictators – uh leaders – such as yourself to relocate and retire!The video goes on to mention violence in Philadelphia’s schools, criticize Mayor Nutter, and to make the point that “Philadelphia’s been a one party state for 59 years!  Like Libya! Just one, the Democratic machine and we always have a spot for another despot!”  At the end, there’s a plug for mayoral candidate John Featherman, who’s identified as the “reform Republican.”Elliot Curson a political and advertising consultant summed up the video up this way,”It’s fun, it’s clever and it’s based on fact,” said Curson.  “What he’s doing is on the right track and it’s free and he’ll get mileage out of it.”Curson goes on to say that Featherman has nothing to lose, given that he’s an unknown Republican in a town that swings blue.Featherman faces Republican Mayoral candidate Karen Brown in the primary, but Brown has the endorsement of Republican ward leaders.

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