Ex-PHA head Greene sues for $4 million

The former head of the Philadelphia Housing Authority is seeking a big golden parachute to cushion his fall.  Carl Greene is seeking about four million dollars in a lawsuit against the agency and its boad, but he shouldn’t expect a check to be cut without a court order.


Carl Greene contends he was unfairly terminated as Executive Director of the Philadelphia Housing Authority and his attorney believes that is worth a big payout.  Joe Podraza is an attorney representing the Housing Authority board.  He says the multi-million dollar demand is ridiculous and insulting.


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“Mr Greene is not entitled to any compensation. We believe very strongly in the defense of the lawsuit and believe that PHA will succeed and eventually following our investigation into other activities we believe we will be taking action against Mr Greene to collect monies,” said Podraza.


Podraza says Greene was fired because he covered up sexual harassment settlements from the authority’s board and that was one of the reasons he could be terminated.  The other is the PHA can prove sexual harassment of his subordinates.


When PHA sacked Greene, he had two years left on his contract and was earning over $300,000 a year.


Greene’s attorney did not respond to a request for comment.

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