Responding to charges of bias in the state gerrymandering lawsuit, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Chr ...
7 years ago
U.S. Supreme Court will let Pennsylvania ruling stand in gerrymandering case
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has denied the request for a stay on the ruling overturning ...
7 years ago
Republicans say Pa. justice’s campaign rhetoric taints redistricting ruling
Lawyers for the state GOP filed an application Friday afternoon calling on the court to disqualify Justice David Wecht from the case.
7 years ago
Will Bob Brady’s congressional district disappear?
Candidates thinking they'll run for Bob Brady's open congressional seat may find redistricting wipes it away, forcing them to run against one of two Philly incumbents.
7 years ago
Listen 2:45GOP leaders vow to ignore court order in Pa. gerrymandering case
The court says if lawmakers don’t redraw the maps and submit them to Gov. Tom Wolf, the justices will redraw them.
7 years ago
Pa. Senate rules no conflict of interest for congressional hopefuls voting on new district shapes
The State Senate decided that members of the chamber who are candidates are allowed to vote on legislation related to the first step of the map-making process.
7 years ago
Pennsylvania congressional candidates in limbo after Pa. Supreme Court throws out district map
As the uncertainty swirls, candidates who have been mounting their campaigns are now left hanging in the balance unsure of where new district lines could be drawn.
7 years ago
Listen 5:26Pa. Republican lawmakers appeal to U.S. Supreme Court for stay on redistricting decision
Republican state lawmakers are asking the U.S. Supreme Court for a stay on the state court decision earlier this week.
7 years ago
Pennsylvania’s upcoming congressional elections are in flux after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled this week that the state’s congressional map is unconstitutional.
7 years ago
Pennsylvania Supreme Court strikes down congressional district map
The justices, ruling just days after hearing oral arguments in the case, also state in their order that a new map will be in place by Feb. 19.
7 years ago
Listen 5:25Pennsylvania Supreme Court weighing decision on fast-tracked gerrymandering case
The court is expected to rule quickly on a lawsuit challenging the state’s congressional district boundaries.
7 years ago
Pennsylvania Supreme Court to decide if state congressional district map is a partisan gerrymander
Pennsylvania’s congressional district map is ...
7 years ago
Federal judges uphold Pennsylvania’s congressional map in gerrymandering case
Attorneys for the plaintiffs say they plan to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.
7 years ago
Smart Talk: Pennsylvania’s redistricting trials
Keystone Crossroads reporters Emily Previti and Lindsay Lazarski have been covering the re-districting cases at both the state and federal levels.
7 years ago
Day 2 testimony in gerrymandering lawsuit delves deeper into making Pa.’s congressional map
This week’s Commonwealth Court proceedings will be used to inform the state Supreme Court’s decision on the matter, which is anticipated in January.
7 years ago