Public Health
Vaccination push underway to contain mumps outbreak in Philadelphia
On Wednesday, Temple University set up a free clinic to provide students with booster shots.
6 years ago
Wolf’s $8M to remove PFAS from Bucks water won’t solve the problem, activists say
Pennsylvania will pay to help remove unregulated toxic contaminants from 17 wells in the Bucks County communities of Warminster, Ivyland, Warwick and Warrington.
6 years ago
Dems cry foul as Trump calls for striking down ‘Obamacare’
The Trump administration has told a federal appeals court it wants the entire Affordable Care Act struck down, an outcome that could leave millions uninsured
6 years ago
After N.J. passes medical aid-in-dying bill, Murphy vows to sign it
The medical aid-in-dying bill was controversial, and it passed both the N.J. Assembly and Senate with the minimum number of votes.
6 years ago
More aging Americans are using pot to soothe what ails them
"I would say the average age of our customers is around 60, maybe even a little older," said Kelty Richardson, a registered nurse with the Halos Health clinic in Boulder, Col.
6 years ago
A quick tutorial on colonoscopies and how they prevent colon cancer
Dr. Immanuel Ho explains what’s involved in a colonoscopy and how finding a polyp early can mean catching it before it becomes cancerous.
6 years ago
Listen 5:38Getting on board the buprenorphine bus
Doctors and Philly health officials are pushing for the drug, whose brand name is Suboxone, to treat addiction, but are pharmacies ready?
6 years ago
Water access is a problem in the U.S., affecting minority and rural groups the most
The Global Water Alliance symposium focused on challenges to clean-water access and underscored that the problem isn’t confined to the developing world.
6 years ago
At its best, sex isn’t just fun — it’s good for our health. It can relieve stress, enhance our mood — even offer a bit of ...
Air Date: March 22, 2019
Listen 48:44Temple will hold free MMR vaccine clinics amid mumps outbreak
The university will have two walk-in clinics next week to offer the measles, mumps, and rubella, or MMR, vaccine — at no charge — to members of the school community.
6 years ago
Weighing options to fight opioid crisis, few U.S. lawmakers tout supervised injection site
With the DOJ trying to shut down Philly's supervised injection site before it opens, it seems unlikely even lawmakers who support the idea will provide help to make it happen.
6 years ago
Getting on board with bupe: Why a crucial addiction treatment drug can be hard to get
Buprenorphine and other medication-assisted treatments could be crucial to treating those suffering from opioid addiction in Philadelphia. So why can it be so hard to get?
Air Date: March 21, 2019
Listen 14:23Delaware lawmakers move closer to ban sale of cigarettes to people under 21
The legislation also prohibits the sale of tobacco substitutes, such as e-cigarettes, to those under 21.
6 years ago
Does most of your paycheck go to rent? That may be hurting your health
New data on health across the U.S. shows that high housing costs are harming Americans’ health – and that some communities are affected more than others.
6 years ago
In our Monday Regional Roundup, we talk about a proposed hyperloop for Pa, Delaware's popular vote bill, and teenage sleep and school start times.
Air Date: March 18, 2019 10:00 am
Listen 49:44