NewsWorks Tonight, October 26, 2017
Local officials and residents react to President Trump’s naming of the opioid crisis as a national public health emergency. Repor ...
Air Date: October 26, 2017
Listen 23:27Top Philadelphia officials told a federal judge Thursday that if U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions gets his way and withholds public sa ...
7 years ago
Thank you, Henry Kissinger, for my existence
Some days I entertain the insane thought that, if it weren’t for Henry Kissinger helping to prolong the Vietnam War, I wouldn’t have been born.
7 years ago
A wall would be effective against only the least-threatening ‘risks’ from Mexico
The simplicity of the concept of building a wall to keep out undesirable things is unmistakable.
7 years ago
A federal jury in Philadelphia has convicted former rebel commander Mohammad Jabbateh of lying about his involvement in mass atrocities during Liberia’s first civil war.
7 years ago
Listen 2:29Reluctant historians, my family finally told me about their journey from Vietnam
As a third-generation Vietnamese-American of mixed heritage, I didn’t come to grips with how the Vietnam War shaped my mother’s life and her journey to the United States.
7 years ago
Language gap between doctors, patients evident in Philly's Vietnamese community
What happens if you and your doctor don’t speak the same language? According to a new report, that’s the case for many patients across the country.
7 years ago
Jurors begin deliberations in alleged warlord's trial
Prosecutors and the defense team for Mohammed Jabbateh delivered closing arguments. The jury must now decide if he committed fraud and perjury on U.S. immigration documents.
7 years ago
Federal judge in Hawaii blocks Trump’s third attempt at travel ban
A federal judge in Hawaii has partially blocked President Trump's third attempt to restrict entry into the U.S. for citizens of certain countries.
7 years ago
Mother charged with killing two Wilmington boys
Wilmington Police were at the home hours before the boys were killed Monday. The suspect, a Liberian immigrant, told officers she was worried about her immigration status.
7 years ago
How far-reaching are the president’s powers on DACA?
The Trump administration recently put an expiration date on the Obama-era program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Is action of either president lawful?
7 years ago
Looking back at the war won’t distract me from Vietnamese community’s future
I don’t feel confused about the Vietnam War. I am certain that my life is a result of it. And I have dedicated the last eight years of my life to the future of my community.
7 years ago
Guadagno lambasted over N.J. campaign ad attacking Murphy’s ‘sanctuary’ stance
The ad shows Democrat Phil Murphy saying he would have "the back" of unauthorized immigrants — and convicted killers.
7 years ago
Kenney jabs Sessions over letter claiming Philly’s sanctuary policy violates federal law
"In our view, this has all been about political showmanship," Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said during a press conference Thursday at City Hall.
7 years ago
After almost a year’s sanctuary in Philly church, immigrant opens door on new life
Facing deportation, Javier Flores found refuge in Philly's Arch Street United Methodist Church. Now he has a visa, and he's ready to take up life with his two young sons.
7 years ago
Listen 0:00