Family demands answers after Philly man addicted to heroin dies hours after incarceration
Three-quarters of Philly's prison inmates have a history of substance addiction. Is the system equipped to help them?
7 years ago
Listen 4:42Bitter cold sparks continuing Philly efforts to shelter homeless
Through Monday morning, the warming center at Cione Recreation will be open 24 hours a day —.and no ID is necessary to come inside.
7 years ago
Listen 1:36‘Safe-injection site’ more likely for Philly, but big hurdles to clear
According to sources close to the talks, the controversial proposal aimed at addressing the city’s deadly opioid crisis must first overcome resistance from some key players.
7 years ago
Listen 4:33Recognizing signs of drug problems in college students home for vacation
Frank Greenagel specializes in addiction recovery at the Center for Alcohol Studies at Rutgers University. He sat down with "Morning Edition" host Jennifer Lynn.
7 years ago
Listen 6:20‘It will kill you’: Philly outreach workers keep making rounds as bitter cold snap continues
Even in bitterly cold weather, homeless people with addictions are often hesitant to take shelter if it means going to another part of the city and going through withdrawal.
7 years ago
Listen 2:53Opioid epidemic helped fuel spike in kids living in foster care, study says
Nearly a quarter of the children living in foster care nationally were removed from their homes because of parental drug use. The rate is worse in Pennsylvania.
7 years ago
Trump on the opioid crisis: Big talk, little action (big surprise)
We wonder what it will take to shake the faith of Trump's fans. His failure to tackle the opioid epidemic might conceivably dampen their ardor.
7 years ago
Fight the opioid epidemic, all agree. But strategies vary widely
While many states have syringe exchanges, only some have laws that explicitly permit syringe exchanges.
7 years ago
NewsWorks Tonight, December 21, 2017
After nearly 20 years, Congressman Bob Brady might finally have competition for re-election. In New Jersey, why is it easy for teachers ...
Air Date: December 21, 2017
Listen 0:00Report shows significant overdose increase in tri-state area
Nationally, more than 63,600 individuals died from overdoses in 2016—a 21 percent increase from the previous year, and more than three times the rate in 1999
7 years ago
Volunteers bring Christmas to Kensington corner struggling with homelessness, addiction
The volunteers started on a corner near the railroad tracks where the city and Conrail cleared out an encampment of homeless heroin users this summer.
7 years ago
Listen 2:22Philly adds blue light bulbs in effort to contain opioid crisis
The blue light can make it difficult to see veins, a city official said, and discourage shooting up.
7 years ago
Wolf signs law to regulate recovery homes in Pa.
Many of the homes, often run by people in long-term recovery themselves, operate in good faith, but others have unsafe living conditions and do little to further sober living.
7 years ago
New Castle County to hire addiction coordinator
The New Castle County Police Department will use new grant money to hire a coordinator for its addiction treatment program
7 years ago
Mural symbolizes new start, new life for former Kensington heroin camp
City Hall and neighbors hope the new mural on B Street Bridge will spur pride and revitalization in one of Philadelphia's most troubled places.
7 years ago
Listen 2:14