Rob Tornoe
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Immigrants took land from Native Americans in Delaware. They want some of it back.
Editorial cartoonist Rob Tornoe wonders where the anti-immigrant crowd was hundreds of years ago when Native Americans were forced out by European immigrants.
7 years ago
Delaware sports betting will create a lot of winners
Following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that will allow sports betting nationwide, editorial cartoonist Rob Tornoe has questions about who will benefit and who won't.
7 years ago
Ban it or not? Gun control opponents want it both ways
Legislators in the First State are still actually working toward passing small but meaningful gun control legislation. That said, things are moving slowly.
7 years ago
Despite some perceptions, Delaware students aren’t lazy millennials
Students at about 20 schools throughout Delaware will walk out of their school simultaneously on Wednesday to protest gun violence at schools around the country.
7 years ago
The Tornoe Spin: I know it feels weird, but Eagles fans have permission to hope
It’s not a word you often associate with Eagles fans. But today, hope, excitement and yes, optimism are all swirling around in the air ahead of Sunday’s Super Bowl.
7 years ago
Congress to sick kids in Delaware: Drop dead, maybe
2017 came and went, and with it hope that Congress would come to the aid of millions of kids in Delaware and all across the country depending on them for their health care.
7 years ago
In Delaware, traffic problems always occur
When I was first dating my wife, we lived in northern New Jersey and I would promise her that once we moved back to Delaware, all our traffic woes would disappear.
7 years ago
How can Delaware be so divided about Trump?
What does Sussex County love about Trump that the rest of us don’t get?
7 years ago
The Tornoe Spin: The broken record of promises about Wilmington’s gun problem
I bet you’ve already forgotten that now is supposed to be the time to stop the gun violence in Wilmington. ...
8 years ago
The Tornoe Spin: Someone give John Carney ‘The Dummies Guide to Politics’
I don’t want to beat up on John Carney too badly, so let me start off by saying something nice – at least heR ...
8 years ago
The Tornoe Spin: Delaware finally has a budget. Now let’s consolidate the schools
After much hand-wringing and an unwillingness by Republicans (and one Democrat) to even consider changing our out-of-dat ...
8 years ago