Layla A. Jones
More from the Contributor
Gen. Colin Powell was the voice of Philly’s first talking pedestrian traffic signal
The country’s first African American secretary of state died Monday at 84.
3 years ago
Free Library picks a new director: Kelly Richards, a Black career librarian from Michigan
He’ll assume leadership 15 months after the previous library director resigned over widespread allegations of discrimination.
3 years ago
Philly advice for New Yorkers freaking out over spotted lanternflies
Yes, the bugs are back. But we've got this.
3 years ago
Philadelphia youth anti-violence efforts lack coordination at city level, panelists say
Activists at a community conversation pushed for more centralized resources.
3 years ago
Philadelphia youth anti-violence efforts lack coordination at city level, panelists say
Panelists at a community conversation push for more coordination from the city.
3 years ago
Ubuntu is more than a name for Steven CW Taylor’s spot — it’s an ethos.
3 years ago
Tens of thousands still plan to descend on the Parkway for the festival, where they’ll have to show vax proof or a negative test to get in.
4 years ago
Made in America has a mask mandate, but ticket holders wonder if it’s really enforceable
Tens of thousands are descending on the Parkway for the festival, where you have to show vax proof or a negative test to get in.
4 years ago
Investigators also looked at museum best practices, and offered cultural competency recommendations for the future.
4 years ago
Community members shared suggestions at a panel discussion on anti-violence funding.
4 years ago
What happened to all the spotted lanternflies? The Philly insect invasion is at a low point
It’s not your imagination — but the bugs aren’t gone. They’re moving north.
4 years ago
The web app helps sort through the bureaucracy.
4 years ago