Emily Scott
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Writers’ petition calls on university to save Penn Book Center, a ‘watering hole for the mind’
Throughout this week, Penn Book Center supporters are marching daily from the University City campus to the bookstore — just one block away.
6 years ago
Listen 1:40Investigating 200-year-old plant remains found in a Bartram’s Garden attic
The well-preserved collection of seeds, nutshells and other plant plants offer a glimpse of the daily meals of Philly’s founding botanists.
6 years ago
Listen 2:35Registration for Pa. primary closes Monday, voters already on the rise
Pennsylvania’s primary is May 21 and includes voting for candidates for positions such as mayor, district attorney, and city and county councils.
6 years ago
From sword battles to cosplay, Philly is ready for ‘Game of Thrones’ final season
The first episode of the fantasy saga’s final season airs Sunday night. People are hosting viewing parties from their businesses and living rooms.
6 years ago
Temple had no new cases of mumps Monday, for first time since outbreak began
About five to 10 reported cases of the disease continue to come in daily, but that number is slowly decreasing.
6 years ago
From Santa Fe to Philly, We Are the Seeds wants to make Indigenous artists more visible
Arts nonprofit We Are the Seeds hosted its inaugural local festival Saturday at Taller Puertorriqueño to showcase the culture and creations of Native communities.
6 years ago
Whitman at 200: Penn programming looks at the Good Gray Poet, his legacy across the river
Gearing up for Walt Whitman’s 200th birthday on May 31, Penn’s “Whitman at 200” project hosted a gathering showcasing material from the last 20 years of the writer’s life.
6 years ago
‘Can We Talk?’ bridges gap between polarizing debates, constructive conversation
The Penn Project for Civic Engagement hosted a discussion and workshop for city residents on how to have meaningful political debate with people they might disagree with.
6 years ago
Biden’s slip of the tongue shows increased likelihood of presidential run
Some national polls already show the former vice president as a favorite for the Democratic presidential nomination.
6 years ago
Irish dance school passes on heritage ‘for generations’ through St. Patrick’s Day Parade performance
Students have spent two months preparing for their biggest performance of the year: ceili dancing for tens of thousands and a live TV audience.
6 years ago
Philly’s U.S. Attorney: Rape case shows ‘sanctuary city’ policy is ‘threat to public safety’
U.S. District Judge Nitza I. Quiñones Alejandro ruled that Vasquez will serve the illegal re-entry and sexual assault sentencings consecutively.
6 years ago
After Dox Thrash’s Sharswood home sold in sheriff sale, a focus on alternative preservation
Prominent African-American printmaker Dox Thrash’s former home in North Philly was sold in a sheriff sale in December.
6 years ago