Dick Polman
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We’re one Supreme Court case away from outlawing abortion
Anyone who still assumes that legal abortion is here to stay, and that Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land, should take a hard look at what's happening right now.
5 years ago
What Democrats fear most in 2020: A bullish Trump economy
We need to acknowledge the reality that presidents typically get re-hired when voters believe the economy is on the upswing.
5 years ago
3 reasons why America’s worst businessman will keep his cultists
Trump's fans are eternally tethered to the delusion that he's a winner.
5 years ago
The hardball constitutional crisis has arrived
This brass-knuckled president is veritably daring Congress to impeach him.
5 years ago
Anti-science ignorance stokes public health crisis
We Americans don't agree about much anymore, but at minimum, there should be a consensus that science in the decades since World War II has been a boon to public health.
5 years ago
‘The most significant domestic terrorist threat,’ rinse and repeat
10 years ago this month, when the Chabad of Poway synagogue shooter was nine years old, Barack Obama's DHS authored a dire report about growing extremist violence in America.
5 years ago
Joe Biden’s Washington experience: Asset or albatross?
Joe Biden is reportedly poised to enter the presidential race Thursday, which is a good thing, if only because we can finally retire the tired pun that Joe is Biden his time.
5 years ago
The impeachment imperative: Will Democrats put country over party?
This is no time for dereliction of duty.
5 years ago
The Mueller report: ‘No person is above the law’
Does a guy who played fast and loose with our national security — and who, at the Helsinki summit, endorsed Putin's denial of election interference — deserve another term?
5 years ago
Leftward Democratic drift could get Trump re-elected
What Democrats badly need is substantive moderate push back, on policies that are conceivably achievable: closing tax loopholes or real tax breaks for the middle class.
5 years ago
Cover-up commandant William Barr: ‘I’ve said what I’m gonna say’
If the full report totally exonerates Trump, as Trump claims, why is his regime so intent on suppressing it?
5 years ago
Kirstjen Nielsen and the high cost of amoral servitude
Nielsen, whose resignation letter went public shortly after Trump tweeted a rote farewell, will forever be known as the face of the Trump regime's border brutality.
5 years ago