Dick Polman
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The Democratic circular firing squad forgot about Trump
Mired as they were in squabbling among themselves — wading deep into the weeds, yet again, on the abstruse details of health care policy — Donald Trump got off easy.
6 years ago
Joe Biden won the debate, and he wasn’t even on stage
In the wake of our national emergency, with Trump running roughshod over truth, justice, and the American way, ousting him should be the Democrats' top priority.
6 years ago
Remember 2016? When beating Trump in the debates didn’t matter?
He went 0 for 3 against Clinton, but won anyway. So much for the importance of debates. Perhaps 2016 was an outlier.
6 years ago
Robert Mueller performs in congressional Kabuki theater
His tendentious terminology, coupled with his stoic reticence, will not move the ball forward.
6 years ago
Mueller’s testimony: Impeachment accelerant or anticlimax?
It's quite possible that Robert Mueller's long-awaited open testimony, slated for Wednesday in front of the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, will be a yawner.
6 years ago
Will the overexposed ‘Squad’ take Democrats over the cliff?
Talk of a left-wing revolution, as envisioned by AOC and Sanders and others on the party's left flank, is a luxury we can't afford in this election cycle.
6 years ago
Trump’s racist tweets: A foretaste of toxic 2020
White racism was at the root of Donald Trump's 2016 candidacy, and so it will be again in 2020.
6 years ago
Trump’s census surrender: Even a loss can look like a win
One is tempted to believe that his latest failure is further evidence of his weakness and ineptitude.
6 years ago
Trump appointee forged a sweetheart deal for a rich pervert. Are we surprised?
Does this surprise you? Donald Trump, an old partying pal of confessed pervert Jeffrey ("terrific guy") Epstein, said yesterday that he "feels badly" for Alex Acosta.
6 years ago
Fouling the Fourth: Tanks but no tanks, Trump
It takes a craven kind of genius to desecrate the Fourth of July, to turn a traditionally nonpartisan festival into a militarist MAGA rally with pseudo-Moscow trappings.
6 years ago
Election security: The dire issue the Democrats barely mentioned
How did 20 Democrats vying to appear on the 2020 ballot debate last week without ever assailing the Republicans' refusal to protect that ballot from Russian interference?
6 years ago
Kamala Harris blew the doors off
If grassroots Dems still doubt that a post-Hillary female nominee could slug it out with Trump, they need only watch last night's boffo performance by U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris.
6 years ago