Election 2019
Ahead of Philly primary, incumbent Jim Kenney reflects on the nature of being mayor
After nearly four years as Philadelphia’s mayor, Jim Kenney says he expects to be re-elected, but, if that doesn’t happen, he might become a teacher.
6 years ago
Listen 4:22Why Philadelphia’s councilmanic prerogative isn’t going away
No matter who wins on Election Day, councilmanic prerogative is likely not going away. Here’s why.
6 years ago
Under indictment, Philly’s ‘Johnny Doc’ still a player in politics
Campaign finance reports show IBEW Local Union 98 headed by indicted union leader John ‘Johnny Doc’ Dougherty gave more than $700,000 to city candidates this spring.
6 years ago
Former state Sen. Milton Street announces candidacy for mayor
Former state representative and state senator T. Milton Street announced in a Facebook post Wednesday afternoon that he intends to seek this city's highest office this year.
6 years ago
Childhood mentor helped mayoral candidate Butkovitz learn to express himself effectively
Mayoral candidate Alan Butkovitz sees the irony in the fact that everything he had trouble with in school, he ended up having to do as part of his work or part of his life.
6 years ago
Listen 3:49Philly mayoral candidate Anthony Williams prays for city to understand its bias
Instead of blaming Donald Trump for dividing the country, mayoral candidate Anthony Williams says Philadelphians should first confront their own prejudices.
6 years ago
Listen 4:03Political crowd: Your guide to Philly’s largest City Council at-large field in 40 years
Democratic voters can pick five of the 28 candidates for Philly City Council at-large in next week’s primary. The winners are all but certain to ascend to Council.
6 years ago
Philly candidates for mayor spar on crime, poverty in only televised debate
As Kenney faced off against state Sen. Anthony Williams and former City Controller Alan Butkovitz, the race showed its first signs of a pulse.
6 years ago
Listen 1:47Watch: Kenney takes on challengers Butkovitz, Williams in Philly mayoral debate
Mayor Jim Kenney, seeking a second term, is the first mayoral incumbent in 32 years to face a real challenge.
6 years ago
Michael Bloomberg, ‘Johnny Doc’ come up big for Kenney’s re-election bid
Michael Bloomberg and indicted labor leader John Dougherty are big donors as Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney campaigns for second term.
6 years ago
Key black clergy group picks Williams over Kenney in Philly mayor’s race
The Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity has endorsed state Sen. Anthony Williams over incumbent Jim Kenney in the mayoral primary race.
6 years ago
The procrastinator’s guide to the May 2019 primary election in Philly
A cheat sheet for being informed on Election Day.
6 years ago
New pro-Kenney super PAC in Philly mayor’s race
A second super PAC supporting Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney has emerged in a mayor’s race in which all TV advertising is from independent groups
6 years ago
Kenney a no-show at Black Women’s Leadership event
Four African-American women’s groups sponsored a candidates forum, hoping to hear Kenney’s plans for a second term. They felt snubbed when he didn’t show.
6 years ago
Critiquing Kenney: Mayfair residents see neighborhood changes, with City Hall in the backseat
As the Mayfair section of Philadelphia becomes more diverse, residents are united in their hopes for a way of relieving the traffic congestion.
6 years ago
Listen 4:26