What Improv Can Teach Us About Life

Taking the rules of improv off the stage. We talk about what improv can teach us about life, ourselves, being in the moment…and having fun

Listen 50:54

You don’t have to be a comedian to try improv — or get up on a stage in front of a bunch of people. The principles of improv apply to daily life, too. They can help us become more positive and spontaneous, more open and willing to take risks, and help us connect with others. In this episode, we learn how to improv, about its psychological benefits and how to apply the skills to our life.

Our guests are Jennifer Childs, co-founder and artistic director of 1812 Productions, Dannagal Young, communications professor at the University of Delaware and member of Philadelphia ComedySportz, and Clay Drinko, educator and author of Play Your Way Sane: 120 Improv-Inspired Exercises to Help You Calm Down, Stop Spiraling and Embrace Uncertainty.

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