The Supreme Court weighs religious rights vs. LGBTQ rights

We discuss Fulton v. City of Philadelphia ahead of the Supreme Court decision that pits the religious rights against LGBTQ civil rights.

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(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

This month the Supreme Court will release their decision on Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, a case involving issues of religious liberty and LGBTQ rights. The high court is weighing whether the city had the right to cancel a contract with a Catholic agency for refusing to screen same-sex couples as potential foster parents or if the agency’s religious beliefs give them the right of to exclude gay and lesbian couples. Many people are watching the decision as a bellwether for how the conservative majority Court views LGBTQ civil rights. Ahead of the decision, our guests Drexel University law professor DAVID S. COHEN and Villanova University law professor MICHAEL MORELAND walk us through the arguments and the broader implications.

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