Politics & Policy
The new NY Times and Philadelphia Inquirer digital pay walls: trying to make readers pay
I’ve always been a news junkie. Since moving to Delaware in 1983, I have routinely had four different newspapers tossed onto my fr ...
14 years ago
More on the tenure debate at American law schools including Temple
Regarding my posting yesterday about the tenure debate now on-going at American law schools, Scott K. asks, “And so… what do ...
14 years ago
Corbett refuses to rake in a windfall
What if the kid at your front door offered to rake your leaves into piles, but not to bag them? Would you hire him? Or a contracto ...
14 years ago
American law schools debate tenure
A great debate has opened up over tenure of law professors at American law schools. While this subject has been debated before, the chal ...
14 years ago
Birthright tourism: another challenge to 14th Amendment citizenship
The United States is one of very few countries in the world to recognize as full citizens children born in the country to parents who are ...
14 years ago
Philadelphia school violence: where’s the superintendent?
The Philadelphia Inquirer has again been demonstrating how irreplaceable it is by publishing a disturbing series of articles on violence ...
14 years ago
Ramsey’s blunt response to gaffe impresses
Don’t go, Charles, don’t go. Word is that Philadelphia police commissioner Charles Ramsey might be headed to Chicago to become ...
14 years ago
What the 2010 census does and doesn’t tell us
The 2010 census tells us our population grew from 282 million in 2000 to 309 million in 2010, a net increase of 27 million residents in a ...
14 years ago
Live blog: Can We Talk? event at Constitution Center
This weekend, the National Constitution Center is hosting heavyweights from the worlds of politics, journalism and academe for a two- ...
14 years ago
NATO’s role in Libya doesn’t get U.S. out of quagmire
Q. The US has handed the job over to NATO after about a week. Does that look like a quagmire to you? A. Yes, it still looks like ...
14 years ago
For the second time since the U.S. went to war in Afghanistan in 2002, the United States has taken its eye off the ball, and instead proc ...
14 years ago
Can the President wage war in Libya without Congressional consent?
Anyone who has read the U.S. Constitution knows that it gives to Congress alone the powers “To declare War” and “To mak ...
14 years ago
How many Obama voters wanted a third war?
With the U.S. military action in Libya, the U.S. is now engaged in active combat operations on at least three fronts in the Muslim world, ...
14 years ago