Guests: Beth Devine, Travis Dorsch, Tom Farrey Participation in youth sports is declining, particularly among low ...
Air Date: September 10, 2018 10:00 am
Listen 48:56Many consumers support New Jersey proposal to ban plastic bags
Outlawing the plastic bags would mean some inconvenience, shoppers say. But most see the environmental advantage of the proposal.
7 years ago
Say ‘I do’ without the sweat: Wedding pros share how they beat the heat
Melting cakes and melting guests. Wilting flowers and wilting brides. A hot day can spell disaster for a wedding unless there's detailed preparation beforehand.
7 years ago
How to get kids to do chores: Does the Maya method work?
Researchers have documented that kids in Mexico with ties to indigenous communities tend to be more helpful.
7 years ago
Temporary work: the rise of the gig economy
Guest: Louis Hyman Chances are you or someone you know is a consultant, a contractor, a freelancer, temporary wor ...
Air Date: August 31, 2018 10:00 am
Listen 48:30Tyler Mitchell on being the first African-American to photograph a ‘Vogue’ cover
When Vogue unveiled its annual fashion issue earlier this month, the Internet took notice.
7 years ago
Don’t bug out! The Smithsonian Channel is going to show you how to cook insects
Joseph Giraldi, executive producer of Bug Bites thinks Westerners' attitudes towards insects as the main ingredient are finally catching up with the rest of the world.
7 years ago
Fad or the future? Robot-made burgers wow the crowds in San Francisco
An audience gathers around the transparent 14-foot-long "culinary instrument" in a restaurant called Creator in San Francisco's SoMa neighborhood.
7 years ago
GoFundMe investigating campaign for homeless samaritan
A homeless man who helped a stranded motorist in Philadelphia said he is panhandling once again and using drugs, and he has no access to the money raised on his behalf.
7 years ago
Guests: Cathy Snyder, Gail Koskela, Jess Niederer Today, three different perspectives on farming in the greater P ...
Air Date: August 23, 2018 10:00 am
Listen 49:00Vacation days piling up? Here’s how to get the most out of a short vacation
As a nation, we could do a better job at taking time off.
7 years ago
Guests: Andrea Bonior, Deborah Tannen Friendships end for many reasons — a change of lifestyle, growing geogr ...
Air Date: August 20, 2018 10:00 am
Listen 48:22Rabbi is latest of many titles for Philly woman
The newly ordained rabbi has just moved from Philadelphia to Elon University in North Carolina where she is an associate chaplain for Jewish life.
7 years ago
Rain check: Philadelphia seeing higher than average precipitation
The National Weather Service's science and operations officer says global warming is contributing to intense bouts of rain and flooding.
7 years ago
Uh-oh, Germany is rapidly running out of beer bottles
In Germany, beer consumption is up as temperatures remain unusually high. This is good and bad news for the beer industry.
7 years ago