Documents show Facebook used user data as competitive weapon
The committee released more than 200 pages of documents on the tech giant's internal discussions about the value of users' personal information.
6 years ago
Delco study: Pipeline blast could be devastating, but risk is low
A flammable vapor cloud could spread as far as 1.3 miles downwind of a rupture, a consultant says.
6 years ago
Black and Hispanic Americans are less likely to smoke cigarettes than white Americans. Yet once they’ve started, they’re more likely to stay hooked.
6 years ago
Guests: Ryan Briggs, Nic Esposito, Mike Newall, Leonard Stewart Philadelphia has a litter problem. Neighborhoods ...
Air Date: December 5, 2018 10:00 am
Listen 48:59Light snow on tap for a portion of the Shore
A quick hitting system will deliver light snow to a portion of the Jersey Shore on Wednesday, forecasters say. The National Weathe ...
6 years ago
Penn State study says most of Pa. lacks access to high-speed broadband
Statewide research from Pennsylvania State University finds that there’s a severe lack of connectivity to broadband internet for much of Pennsylvania.
6 years ago
Report: Hunger and discrimination go hand in hand
As a dark-skinned black woman born into poverty, I know all too well the insidious ways that discrimination plays out in life.
6 years ago
Closed Oyster Creek nuclear plant to hold emergency siren test
Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in Forked River will conduct a semi-annual, full volume test of its emergency warning sirens Tuesday.
6 years ago
Beau Biden Foundation teams with Special Olympics to combat abuse
In light of high-profile cases of abuse Special Olympics International is moving to reduce the risk of abuse for their athletes with intellectual disabilities.
6 years ago
Listen 1:03The art of change: As Philly redevelops, saving its cherished murals
A cautionary tale from South Philly about how rapid development can improve neighborhoods, but also dishonor them at the same time.
Air Date: December 4, 2018
Listen 11:37Sharing in the good fortune of St. Katharine Drexel
Gratitude to the Philadelphia philanthropist lasts a lifetime.
6 years ago
A grieving Pittsburgh focuses on community and light in Hanukkah celebrations
Since the shooting, there have been youth-led events like rallies and prayer services.
6 years ago
New Jersey’s bear hunt continues amid controversy, lawsuits
The second half of New Jersey’s 2018 bear hunt begins Monday.
6 years ago
‘Conscious consumerism’ empowers the local black community at WURD event
On Saturday, hundreds of people gathered at the Arch Street Meeting House in Philadelphia's Old City neighborhood for WURD's second annual "Empowerment Experience."
6 years ago
Listen 1:13How a corporation convinced American Jews to reach for Crisco
Sunday is the first night of Hanukkah, and that means Jews around the country will be frying up potato latkes, celebrating the ancient miracle of the oil that burned for eight
6 years ago