
Pa. Labor Relations Board dismisses unions’ complaint against Convention Center

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Members of Carpenters Union Local 8 are shown preparing to strike outside of the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. (Eugene Sonn/WHYY)

Management has won another round in the battle between two unions and the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

The unions representing carpenters and teamsters filed an unfair labor practices complaint against the Convention Center with the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board.

Convention Center Authority CEO John McNichol said Monday a PLRB officer dismissed the complaint.

“He did so on the basis of his finding that the PLRB did not have jurisdiction in this case,” McNichol said.

The two unions have been fighting to get back to work inside the Convention Center after initially balking at new terms and rules outlined in a “customer satisfaction agreement.” Since then, members of other unions have been doing work that would have gone to the carpenters and teamsters.

McNichol said he is awaiting the union’s next move.

That will be continuing their legal fight against the Convention Center — and continuing daily protests outside the facility at 11th and Arch streets, according to a union official.

“The Metropolitan Regional Council of Carpenters vehemently disagrees with the finding of this individual hearing examiner. We believe his decision is incorrect and will not be upheld by the full PLRB board,” said Ed Coryell, MRC business manager. “The MRC will continue to vigorously fight this unfair and illegal lockout of our members.”

The National Labor Relations Board dismissed a similar complaint.