NJ Blue law, should it stay or should it go?

    One of the revenue-boosting proposals in the New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s new budget is coming under some criticism.

    One of the revenue-boosting proposals in the New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s new budget is coming under some criticism. [audio:100317PGBLUE.mp3]

    Governor Christie’s budget plan projects getting $65-million in revenue by eliminating the so-called blue law that now prevents Sunday retail sales in Bergen County.

    Senator Loretta Weinberg says she does not believe that’s likely to happen.

    The chances are not high. You need a piece of legislation to repeal this blue law. I don’t think you’re going to find that moving through this legislature.

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    A blue law is a type of law designed to enforce religious standards, such as the observance of Sunday as a day rest. The blue law in Bergen County is one of the last remaining ones in the country.

    Weinberg says she introduced a bill a few years ago that would have allowed a town to opt out of the blue law’s prohibition and was deluged with calls and emails against it.

    She says many Bergen County residents like the ban on Sunday sales because it reduces traffic on roadways in the area.

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