Neighbors don’t like the look or location of Awbury Arboretum’s new modular classrooms

The location of a modular structure slated for use as an education center in Awbury Arboretum’s Agricultural Village has created a rift with some of the immediate neighbors of the new building.

The two modular units — which have been connected to form a 24-by-60 foot space — were donated to Awbury by the Green Tree School before it closed in 2012. Awbury hopes to offer culinary and other educational programs for both children and adults in the building beginning this fall.

Location woes

The building sits near a fence bordering Sprague Street, where Paulette O’Neill has lived since 1988.

“This is a unique little street in Germantown that many people say they never know existed until they visit,” she said. “It is secluded and park-like and quiet,” a peace that has been disrupted by the new building on the Awbury property.

Of the 55 acres that Awbury covers, O’Neill said “they chose our street where six families are living” to locate the education building.

Another resident, Daytona Ritter-Flowers, said Sprague Street has been her family’s home for 40 years. She said the relationship with Awbury was always “congenial. We never had a problem with them. But we were offended when they dropped this structure down next to our home.”

She said the Awbury building looks like “a trailer-park home” that she believes will impact her property values.

“Our quality of life has changed,” she said.

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