Inclusion of Green Party on presidential ballot not certain in Pa.
It’s not easy being the Green Party presidential candidate in America.
Randy LoBasso writes in Philadelphia Weekly‘s Philly Now blog that, with about 6,000 signatures out of a necessary 20,601, the Pennsylvania Green Party does not have enough support to get their presidential candidate, Jill Stein, on the statewide ballot in November.
It’s not easy being the Green Party presidential candidate in America.
Randy LoBasso writes in Philadelphia Weekly‘s Philly Now blog that, with about 6,000 signatures out of a necessary 20,601, the Pennsylvania Green Party does not have enough support to get their presidential candidate, Jill Stein, on the statewide ballot in November.
Petitions are due on Aug. 1, so prospects are looking dim for Stein and her running mate, Philadelphia activist Cheri Honkala.
In response, the national Green Party has put out an “urgent call” on its official website, asking for donations and volunteers to help the Greens get on the ballot.
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