
Delaware buses head to help shuttle NJ storm victims

Twenty buses from Delaware will be headed to North Bergen, New Jersey this afternoon to assist NJ Transit in their shuttling efforts.

DART First State will loan the buses and 20 of its employees to operate the buses in north Jersey.  “We’re fortunate that Delaware didn’t’ get the brunt of the storm and we’re happy to help our neighbors and fellow transit agency,” said Lauren Skiver, Delaware Transit Corporation’s CEO.  “It’s what we do.”

The buses being loaned to NJ Tranist are usually used in DART’s Resort Transit service which helps transport visitors at Delaware’s beaches during the summer.  That resort service eneded on September 16, so Delaware bus riders will not see any change in their service.  

The drivers include employees from various positions within DART, including the Chief Operating Officer, Maintenance, Supervisors, and Operators.  The buses will be used to substitute for New Jersey commuter rail lines that are inoperable as a result of Superstorm Sandy.
