Burglaries up in Newark

Police in Newark have made four arrests since Monday in two separate burglaries; a crime authorities say is on the rise in the city.

So far this year, there have been 167 burglaries in Newark, compared to 134 last year.

It’s a trend that concerns police.

“It’s an increase that has led us to warn residents to be vigilant, to be on the lookout, and to call in suspicious activity,” said Newark police spokesman Master Cpl. Gerald Bryda.

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The good news, at least in the last couple of days, is that police are making arrests.

On Monday, police made three arrests in connection with a series of residential burglaries in the George Read Village neighborhood.

Investigators believe residents in the same neighborhood were responsible, which authorities claim is not the norm.

“This is unusual that they’re doing their own street, basically,” Bryda said. “Suspects tend to stay out of their close neighborhood area.”

The burglaries were reported on Thompson Circle, the address of all three suspects: Aaron Bragg and Kristen Hymer, both 18, and a 17-year-old male. They’re charged with stealing electronics and jewelry.

On Tuesday, a Newark man was arrested for a number of burglaries in the 100 block of South Chapel Street. Bryan Blumm, 33, is accused of taking a TV and other items. Investigators later determined that six residences in the area had been broken into.

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