Bad beach behavior contest

    Tony Auth and Jen A. Miller gave us their Jersey Shore faux pas. We want to hear from you. Give us your stories of bad beach behavior and enter our contest to win $100, or an original Tony Auth illustration and an autographed copy of Miller’s book “The Jersey Shore: Atlantic City to Cape May.”

    Tony Auth and Jen A. Miller have offered their beach faux pas when visiting the shore, now we want to hear from you.

    What is the worst faux pas you’ve seen on the Shore?

    Tell us in our Bad Beach Behavior Contest below, and you’ll be entered to win an original illustration from Tony Auth and an autographed copy of Jen A. Miller’s book “The Jersey Shore: Atlantic City to Cape May.” One grand prize winner will be chosen to receive a $100 Visa gift card as well.

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    You can read the bad beach behavior rules here.


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