Waterfront photo slideshow

Ed Hille is a Philadelphia based photojournalist and staff photographer for The Philadelphia Inquirer. Hille has produced award winning photographs in our region and crisscrossed America and the globe, completing assignments on five continents, and covering a spectrum of news, feature and sporting events. Major political conventions, two World Series, and the Winter Olympics have been some of the highlights. Hille documented insurrections in El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Sudan and Liberia, the struggle for independence in Namibia, the first free elections in Haiti, and the lifting of the iron curtain in Romania. He photographed Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton; Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Margaret Thatcher, the Dali Lama and Pope John Paul II.
Hille is the recipient of numerous awards including honors from the Philadelphia and Dallas Press Clubs, The National Headliners Association, World Press, The Texas Headliners Association, The Society For Professional Journalists (SDX) and The National Football League. In 1995 Hille was awarded the Richard Burke Fellowship by the Philadelphia Inquirer and subsequently attended Swarthmore College as a visiting fellow. Hille was also nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.

Ed Hille resides in Moylan, Pennsylvania, with his wife Kathi and daughter Alexandra.

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