The Choice 2020: Trump v. Biden
Playing electoral defense, Trump claims Biden opposes God
Even for a president known for his blunt criticism, Trump's remarks stood out and they signaled how contentious the campaign may get over the coming months.
5 years ago
The partisan conflict behind a quest to purge up to 800,000 voters from Pa.’s rolls
Judicial Watch is suing Pa. and three suburban counties to more aggressively purge “inactive” voters. Opponents say that could lead to disenfranchisement.
5 years ago
Listen 2:03Review of Pa. primary prompts elections agency to seek changes
The review of the primary argues the Legislature should permit ballots to be counted as long as they arrive in county election offices by the Friday after the election.
5 years ago
Citing election delay tweet, influential Trump ally now demands his re-impeachment
President Trump’s suggestion that the November election be delayed spurs Federalist Society co-founder Steven Calabresi to call for his removal from office.
5 years ago
Biden wants the Fed to help close racial economic gaps. How would that work?
The central bank has blunt instruments at its disposal, which are not tailored to economics of racial groups. Biden wants the Fed to more explicitly factor in POC outcomes.
5 years ago
Foreign threats loom ahead of US presidential election
As the Nov. 3 presidential vote nears, there are fresh signs that the United States' electoral system is again under attack from foreign adversaries.
5 years ago
Joe Biden nears final decision on running mate
As Joe Biden nears the announcement of his vice presidential choice, the top contenders and their advocates are making final appeals.
5 years ago
Fueled by suburbs, Democrats are poised for gains in key states, analysis finds
A new report finds that Democrats are on track to win the suburbs in five of six key states they lost in the 2016 presidential election.
5 years ago
Pennsylvania to cover cost of stamps for ballots in election
Wolf's top elections official, Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, said paying for the postage is a way to make voting more accessible, safer and easier during the pandemic.
5 years ago
‘You won’t be safe,’ Pence warns in Pennsylvania campaign
Vowing to bring “peace and security to cities across America," Mike Pence on Thursday carried the Trump campaign's message of law and order to exurban Pennsylvania.
5 years ago
Trump floats delaying the election. It would require a change in law
The president does not have the power himself to move the date of the election, which was set by an 1845 federal law.
5 years ago
In Bucks race, Fitzpatrick and Finello stake out similar, moderate territory on policing
In their race to capture PA-01, Democrat Christina Finello and incumbent Republican Brian Fitzpatrick take the middle of the road on policing reform.
5 years ago
Kanye West’s N.J. ballot petition falls short, complaint says
“Mr. West’s petitions do not contain the valid signatures of 800 qualified voters and should have been rejected by the Division.”
5 years ago
Biden details proposal to advance racial equity in America
The plan is the fourth and final pillar of his "Build Back Better" agenda for economic recovery, crafted in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
5 years ago
Campaigns bring dueling messages to Pennsylvania this week
Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 by less than 1 percentage point. No Democrat has won the presidency without winning Pennsylvania since Harry S. Truman in 1948.
5 years ago
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