Adopt a WHYY host

Special today, April First only –
Adopt a WHYY Host
Support WHYY, the station that provides the news you use, and as a special thank you gift TODAY ONLY, in the spirit of adopting a tree or a zoo animal while raising funds for a beloved organization, you can adopt one of our four WHYY news hosts, Jennifer Lynn, Avi Wolfman-Arent, Cherri Gregg or Priyanka Tewari.
Donate $5 or more as an ongoing sustainer, or give a one-time gift of $60 or more and choose who you’d like to adopt from the FM thank you gift drop-down list.
When you do, you’ll receive an email with a link to your host’s adoption papers that include fun facts about your host, and photos.
Hurry! Donate now and pick your host. This is a limited-time opportunity.