Renewable energy producer S.G. Preston interested in buying PES refinery
The company is the first of at least two prospective buyers to publicly express interest in taking over the damaged Philadelphia Energy Solutions complex.
6 years ago
No severance pay or benefits for PES refinery workers; next round of layoffs Friday
Friday will be the last day for union workers at the fire-damaged Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery, except for 83 who will stay on.
6 years ago
Wolf allocates $3.8M to BuxMont towns for PFAS treatment, eliminating surcharges on water bills
The new funds will eliminate the surcharges some residents see on their water bills — “a stick in the eye” for them to pay, State Rep. Todd Stephens said.
6 years ago
Emotions raw, PES refinery workers fight to keep plant open
Refinery unions say the closure of the facility will impact about 36,000 jobs indirectly and that the region will lose $16 billions if it closes permanently.
6 years ago
Community meeting on the future of PES refinery was packed, loud and divided
People who live near the South Philly refinery said they want it shut and gone forever, while laid-off refinery workers are hoping someone will buy it.
6 years ago
PES refinery lays off all but select few union workers, despite safety concerns
Union leaders had hoped to persuade Philadelphia Energy Solutions to keep some workers on past Aug. 25. “It’s a mismanaged mess,” said a USW official.
6 years ago
PAFA exhibit celebrates the untold history of Philadelphia landscape painting
Without the Schuylkill River School, there may never have been a Hudson River School, says the curator of a Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts exhibit.
6 years ago
‘Great progress’ in South Philly refinery cleanup, fire commissioner says
About half of the original 30,000 gallons of highly toxic hydrofluoric acid remains. “A good week,” Philadelphia Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel says.
6 years ago
Layoffs at PES refinery begin, as union argues for continued presence due to safety concerns
The first 80 workers have been let go at the shuttered Philadelphia Energy Solutions complex, more than a week earlier than expected.
6 years ago
Eliminating the PES refinery’s deadliest chemical will be a 24/7 job for weeks
The Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery has started neutralizing and eliminating a highly toxic chemical still present at the site. It will take weeks.
6 years ago
Not in my sidewalk: Debunking Philly tree myths
Philadelphia needs more trees. Here is a guide to understanding why there aren’t more trees and what can be done about it.
6 years ago
Dangerous South Philly refinery chemical still poses threat to community
Authorities will begin neutralizing hydrofluoric acid at Philadelphia Energy Solutions any day now, but doing so comes with significant risks.
6 years ago
The 1,000 refinery workers that were laid off deserve access to green energy jobs
PES and our elected officials must do more to make sure workers have the opportunity to develop new skills and find meaningful work in our country’s evolving energy sector.
6 years ago
Who will decide the future of the South Philly refinery?
Philadelphia residents concerned about health and environmental impacts dominated the first public meeting of the city’s refinery advisory group.
6 years ago
Neutralization of hydrofluoric acid to begin Monday at PES refinery
The chemical is one of the most dangerous industrial substances in use. It was an integral part of the unit that exploded at PES back in June.
6 years ago