New Jersey
The bully and the ‘pander bear’
On Friday, Gov. Christie headlined a Mitt Romney event in Illinois in hopes of bolstering the flailing frontrunner’s chances in the ...
13 years ago
Consumer group gives N.J. a ‘C+’ on spending transparency
A consumer group says New Jersey needs to be more transparent about where the state’s money goes. The ...
13 years ago
Lawmakers agree on need for more math, science teachers in N.J.
It’s now up to Gov. Chris Christie to decide whether to sign legislation designed to increase the number of math and science teache ...
13 years ago
N.J.lawmakers may prevent state from cashing in on unused gft cards
The New Jersey Assembly has passed a bill that would prevent the state from taking the money from unused gift cards. The measure ...
13 years ago
Former Rutgers student convicted in webcam spying
A former Rutgers University student has been convicted of a “hate crime” for using a webcam to spy on his roommate’s lo ...
13 years ago
Evesham Township crime fighting turns to hotspot management
A South Jersey Community is trying a new way to fight crime. Evesham Township in Burlington County is mapping where the mos ...
13 years ago
South Jersey brewery looking to capitalize on ‘nano’ brewery trend
You may think that good old American ingenuity is a thing of the past, but I’m happy to report it’s alive and well in Cape Ma ...
13 years ago
Electric-car charging stations may get legislative jumpstart in N.J.
The New Jersey Assembly has approved legislation that would encourage the increased use of electric cars. The measure gives tax br ...
13 years ago
N.J. moves to make sure some checks are not in the mail
The New Jersey Assembly has passed legislation that would prevent consumers from being ripped off by one type of check they get in the ma ...
13 years ago
Barriers between New Jersey school districts? Look no further than South Jersey
New Jerseyans love to complain about their school taxes – and who can blame us? This is part of a series from education blog ...
13 years ago
The sweet side of giving back: Ponzio’s cookie benefits New Jersey hospice care
Longtime owner Demetrios “Jimmy” Fifis was a fixture at his beloved Ponzio’s Restaurant in Cherry Hill. The Gree ...
13 years ago
Lawmakers weigh plan to keep business call centers in N.J.
New Jersey’s Assembly will vote Thursday on a bill that could save some call-center jobs in the state. The measure would req ...
13 years ago
Just in time to prevent supplies from wiped out, Trenton officials have taken action to get more toilet paper and paper towels to municip ...
13 years ago
Decision time: Health Insurance Exchange Act comes up for vote in N.J.
The legislature is set to vote Thursday on a bill authorizing a health insurance exchange for New Jersey — an online marketplace th ...
13 years ago
The Judgment of Rittenhouse: A blind tasting puts N.J. wineries to the test
If you’ve ever been to a winery in New Jersey, chances are you’ve heard this: “Our soil and climate is so similar to ...
13 years ago