Steph Yin
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Does pretty hurt? A look at the health risks of hair dyes
Coloring is a complex chemical reaction, a sophisticated organic synthesis, that takes place in each strand on the top of your head.
5 years ago
Listen 11:09The Netherlands’ grand rewilding experiment, gone haywire
It was supposed to be paradise, a slice of raw nature in a densely populated country. But things didn't go according to plan, and the conditions were ripe for controversy.
6 years ago
Listen 14:42University of the Sciences launches MBA in medical cannabis, said to be first of its kind
The new program focuses on regulations, finance, marketing, and the ins-and-outs of operating a medical marijuana business.
6 years ago
'We don't build them like we used to' — Why new houses aren’t made of brick
In place of brick, builders are embracing new materials and wood-frame construction. The reasons why come down to changing economic, cultural and environmental dynamics.
6 years ago
Listen 08:54Philly graphic novelist explores the emotional roller coaster of hip replacement
Emily Steinberg, a painter and graphic novelist, believes comics are a powerful way to confront feelings and combat loneliness in medicine.
6 years ago
Delaware Bay’s spring sex party
Horseshoe crabs breed along North America’s eastern coast, from Maine to Mexico. And every year, tens of thousands of them hook up on the beaches of Delaware and New Jersey.
6 years ago
Listen 07:57Feds to investigate refinery explosion; local health officials remain cautious
A series of explosions that produced a giant fireball at the refinery early Friday led to plumes of black smoke and noxious odors that spread across the region.
6 years ago
Why is creating electronic canes for the blind so hard?
People who are visually impaired know what works for them and what doesn’t. They’d rather innovate their own technologies.
6 years ago
Listen 11:23How to keep teen drivers’ eyes on the road, and their fingers off the keyboard
Getting the message through is important: A high proportion of teen car crashes involve distracted driving. So a “multi-pronged” strategy is underway.
6 years ago
Listen 4:28New Philly exhibit celebrates lives, contributions of scientists with disabilities
A new exhibit at the Science History Institute in Philadelphia tells the stories of scientists with disabilities — and shows how they overcame prejudice and marginalization.
6 years ago
Why we can’t stop using our phones while driving
Notifications and texts offer immediate gratification some can’t resist when behind the wheel. To kick the habit, some behavior rewiring is needed.
6 years ago
Listen 08:44Our plastic footprint sinks, right to the bottom of the sea
Researchers are discovering that plastic doesn’t just float on the sea's surface. Mass amounts rain all the way down to the seafloor, filling the guts of deep-sea organisms.
6 years ago
Listen 12:45