Learning in Your Community

Learning happens everywhere — in libraries, at afterschool programs, in recreation centers and on neighborhood strolls. WHYY can be your learning partner wherever you learn.
To learn more about programs taking place in your community, please contact Anna Phillips at aphillips@whyy.org
WHYY Little Libraries
WHYY is installing little libraries in neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia, Delaware and New Jersey. These libraries consist of a thoughtfully curated collection of children’s books and encourage children and families to “Take one home.” This is WHYY’s way of helping to build at-home libraries for families throughout our region.
Family & Community Learning Workshops
PBS KIDS Family and Community Learning (FCL) is a series of four, two-hour workshops that engage families in science and engineering concepts through play and child-led projects. The series aims to support and foster collaboration, communication, problem-solving and STEM skills among family members while empowering them to create and express themselves with media and technology. Our first series of workshops is coming soon, so please check back for more details.