We Want to Hear From You

Illustration: Ella Trujillo

Illustration: Ella Trujillo


Every week, as we dive into different topics and issues, we love to hear from you!
We’re going to post about upcoming show topics here, and throw out some questions for you. If you have a comment or idea, send me an email at mscott@whyy.org.

Or, record a short voice memo on your smart phone and send it my way!
Tell me your name, and where you listen to The Pulse.
I look forward to hearing from you,


Upcoming show themes:

11/16/18: We are Family (but, what does that mean?)

The holiday season is near – and that means lots of us will spend time with family.
This could be our blood relatives, or a ‘chosen’ family – assembled by love, marriage, adoption, friendship…
What are the bonds to connect us to those we call “family?” Is it love? Time spent together? Is it genetics?

Tell us about the family you’re spending your holidays with – and why. What do you love the most/ What are the biggest challenges?

How to Record and Send a Voice Memo

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