Health & Science
The Hubble telescope, with it’s new upgrades can see much farther than it’s previous version, extending the vision some 200 m ...
Air Date: June 1, 2009
Mars as big as the moon? Truth or hoax?
You may have heard of Mars’ close approach, which means when you look in the night sky Mars is larger than ever. So large in fact t ...
Air Date: May 25, 2009
Take a bite out of the Milky Way this month
May is Milky Way month and before your mouth starts to water we don’t mean the candy bar. If you look out to the horizon and nothin ...
Air Date: May 18, 2009
An explosion that rocked the Universe
Scientists have detected a tremendous explosion that occurred 3.1 billion light years away before the earth was even a mere gleam in it ...
Air Date: May 11, 2009
48 years ago Alan Shepard led the first American mission into space on the heels of Russian cosmonaught Yuri Gagarin. Ten years later whi ...
Air Date: May 4, 2009
A new rocky planet, similar to earth, orbiting a star called Gliese 581, has been discovered. This new planet is in the ‘habitable ...
Air Date: April 28, 2009
It’s time to turn out your lights for”Dark Sky Week”
It’s Dark Sky Week, which means it’s time to turn out your lights at night and reduce light pollution so everyone can gaze at ...
Air Date: April 20, 2009
Earth is percieved as a rocky planet, what are other planets like? Did you know Mars is cold and that outer planets are really gigant ...
Air Date: April 13, 2009
The story behind the telescope
Continuing with our celebration of The International Year of Astronomy, Derrick Pitts talks about Galileo’s telescope and how h ...
Air Date: April 6, 2009
ListenIt’s the international year of astronomy and Astronomers all over the world are recognizing Galileo’s first use of the te ...
Air Date: March 30, 2009
ListenThe universe is growing, but what will happen at the end of time?
The universe is growing all the time… clusters of galaxies exist with vast space in between them. What floats around in the huge ex ...
Air Date: March 23, 2009
ListenNASA spacecraft that were launched decades ago are finally exiting our solar system. What will we discover as they cross the fuzzy bounda ...
Air Date: March 16, 2009
ListenA near brush with cosmic disaster
We recently had a near brush with disaster as an asteroid passed 40,000 miles from earth. Well, it wasn’t really that close to disa ...
Air Date: March 9, 2009
ListenWhat constitutes celestial death?
Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse. No we’re not talking about rock stars, but stars in the night sky. Some star ...
Air Date: March 2, 2009
ListenConditions in space are so very different than that of earth. When you think of hot, you think red, right? Not so in space. A hot star is ...
Air Date: February 23, 2009
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