Should billionaires exist?

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are proposing raising taxes on the ultra-rich and prominent billionaires have been on the defensive about their wealth.

Listen 49:02
From left to right: Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos (AP image)

From left to right: Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos (AP image)

Guests: Phillip Phan, Michael Linden

With Presidential contenders Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders proposing raising taxes on the ultra-rich, prominent billionaires have been on the defensive about their wealth. Bill Gates recently made a comment about his wariness of a Warren presidency over this issue, and reports claim that billionaire Jeff Bezos recently asked fellow billionaire Michael Bloomberg to run for president to defend against a Warren or Sanders presidency. Today on the show, we’ll get the moral and economic arguments for and against billionaires. Our guests are Johns Hopkins University professor of business, PHILLIP PHAN, and economist, executive director at the Groundwork Collective, and fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, MICHAEL LINDEN.

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