Living a Long, Healthy Life


Hour 2

[REBROADCAST] How does one live a long and healthy life? Does being married ensure your long-term health? Is a happy-go-lucky type person going to thrive into their twilight years? Conventional patterns of life choices will surprise some people, according to The Longevity Project, a new analysis of a ninety-year old study on longevity. University of California-Riverside psychologists Leslie Martin and Howard Friedman have picked up on Stanford University Professor Lewis Terman’s study of 1,500 boys and girls, starting in 1921, examining their physical, psychological and social patterns, which was originally meant to be a short-term study. LESLIE MARTIN, professor of psychology at La Sierra University and a research psychologist at the University of California-Riverside,  joins us to explain what they’ve discovered in their inherited research: There are no definitive results, but they have found clues to living a life with persistence and purpose, and how connecting with those around you contributes to healthy longevity.

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[audio: 041411_110630.mp3]

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