City Council votes on zoning code bills

City council votes on zoning resolutions
   Thursday, Dec. 14, Philadelphia City Council will consider three bills introduced by members Jim Kenney and Frank DiCicco calling for the creation of an independent Philadelphia Zoning Code Commission; the composition of the City Planning Commission and the granting of an extra 45 days for the planning commission to provide recommendations on pending legislation affecting zoning, the city’s physical development plan, land subdivision and the purchase or sale of real estate.
   A resolution 060705 by Kenney that sought to establish a Zoning Board of Adjustment made up of five appointed members and the commissioner of Licenses and Inspections was held out of committee. Kenney said he was still trying to garner support for that resolution.
   The five positions on the Zoning Board of Adjustment would include an architect, an urban planner, a traffic engineer, an attorney experienced in land use issues and a representative of Philadelphia community groups that participate in land use issues.
   The three bills and the resolution would require that voters approve a Philadelphia Home Rule charter change.
   Headed for a second reading is Bill 060699, which calls for the establishment of a Zoning Code Commission that would enhance and improve Philadelphia’s city planning processes, encourage development and protect the character of Philadelphia’s neighborhoods.
   Bill 060682 calls for the six appointed members of the City Planning Commission to include an architect, an urban planner, a traffic engineer, an attorney experienced in land use issues and two representatives of Philadelphia community groups.
   The three bills, if passed, would be voted on as ballot questions in the May 15, 2007 election.

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