Pitts, Gerlach voice concerns over stimulus

    A Republican congressman from Philadelphia’s suburbs is blasting the federal stimulus package, saying he’s skeptical the measure will create jobs and fix the economy.

    A Republican congressman from Philadelphia’s suburbs is blasting the federal stimulus package, saying he’s skeptical the measure will create jobs and fix the economy.

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    Republican congressmen Joe Pitts and Jim Gerlach met with House Republicans in Harrisburg to discuss the federal stimulus package, and nearly everyone in the room voiced concerns over the measure.

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    Gerlach, who’s formed an exploratory committee to consider running for governor next year, says Democratic Congressional leaders never gave lawmakers enough time to fully consider the 787-billion dollar bill’s impact.

    Gerlach: We all, Republicans and Democrats alike, want this economy to turn around. We want to see our families working again. And we want the right policies to make that happen. But again, this was rushed so hurriedly through the process, without any substantial hearings or input on what could be the best way to do that-we’re kind of skeptical as to whether or not this is going to do what has been promoted.

    Gerlach and Pitts joined every other House Republican in voting “no” on the measure.

    Gerlach says he’s disappointed more money wasn’t spent on transportation infrastructure projects, noting that makes up less than four percent of the package.

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